
Dear Readers,

And by that, I mean the three of you who are awesome and actually read this thing when I update. Keyword: when. My bad. I've been busy this semester, but I do have some publications under my belt. Check them out:

Hard news article about check scams. Pretty proud of this one. Very unlike my usual sarcasm and stabs at pop culture.

Entertainment article about Facebook. God I hate Facebook.

10 TV channels you probably own, but never heard of (ignore the typos, idk who edited this one)

Every April Fool's week, my school paper prints a spoof issue. Basically, we get to make up all the articles and make it funny, like a prank for students. My spoof article made the cover of the printed publication :)

This semester, I was the Entertainment Editor for Her Campus online magazine. It's basically an online mag for girls in college, and the website is made up of branches all over the country. My campus just started a branch this semester:

Read on, ass kickers.